
Awarded with performance assessment of Underground Sewerage Systems in Tamil Nadu

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Awarded with performance assessment of Underground Sewerage Systems in Tamil Nadu

The Government of Tamil Nadu has invited tenders for Consulting Services Performance Assessment of completed Underground Sewerage System (UGSS) in 51 towns in Tamil Nadu and suggest the feasibility for safe disposal of sludge from STPs under Tamil Nadu Climate Resilient Urban Development Program (TNCRUDP). Scope of work includes, Study the as constructed details of the system to arrive the capacities between designs and constructed, address the issues in the collection system, pumping / lift stations, pumping mains, STPs, treated used water disposal mains etc based on the secondary data and filed reconnaissance. Assess the UGSS coverage (covered and uncovered) based on the secondary data in the Project area. Assess the number of HSC provided and gap if any. InfraEn to measure the sewage flow at the inlet and outlet of the STPs (All the inlets to be measured if the STP has more than one inlet). Inference of the results to be submitted in the report. InfraEn to make their own arrangement to measure the flow with suitable non-destructive technology. 6. Sewage samples (24 hrs composite sample) to be collected at all inlets and outlets of the STPs and carryout the sewage sample analysis in the NABL accredited laboratory. Sewage quality parameters to be tested as per the discharge standards of CPCB, NGT, CPHEEO Manual etc. Assess the sewage treatment plant for its designed capacity and actual sewage is treated. Assess the performance of each unit in the STP based on the secondary data and visual inspection. Asses the performance of the sludge treatment as per the standards and disposal mechanism. InfraEn to suggest the safe disposal of sludge from STPs and suggest suitable the revenue generation mechanism for the treated sludge. The InfraEn shall assess the status of Consent from State Pollution Control Board, status of maintenance of logbooks, status of laboratory facility etc. The InfraEn shall assess the major deficiencies in the treatment plant and shall provide remedial measures. InfraEn shall assess biogas production, if any and its composition, operational status of gas utilization, Power generation etc. Assess the effective functioning of facilities created in accordance with stipulated performance standards. InfraEn to provide latest technological options for upgradation / improvements to the STPs to enhance the performance and capacity. InfraEn to provide the measures for the effective functioning of the entire system based on their analysis for each component of the UGSS. The InfraEn to assess the operation and maintenance mechanism of Sewage Treatment Plant, power requirement, status of power availability for uninterrupted and continuous running of STP, status of Skilled/Trained Manpower, annual expenditure on O&M. InfraEn to assess the IEC activities for the UGSS being done by the ULB. Through this project InfraEn has got the opportunity to understand the actual situation of Underground Sewerage System across Tamil Nadu and will be able to suggest for a sustainable model to cities.